How does online learning work?

Online classes at Florida Tech have the same rigorous learning objectives as our ground-based courses. Our faculty collaborates with instructional designers to ensure each course features an interactive, media-rich experience for our students. Here’s what you can expect:


Online Classroom

You’ll access your classes through Florida Tech’s online learning platform. Course content will include informative videos, interactive media, discussion boards and chat rooms.

Flexible Schedule

Online classes at Florida Tech are asynchronous, meaning you don’t have to be online at any particular time.

Weekly Assignments

Each week’s assignments and discussions are presented in an easy-to-follow format. You must complete assignments according to the schedule established by your professor.



You’ll interact with your peers through our robust discussion boards and live chat. Classes may include group projects where you’ll collaborate with other students.


Faculty members provide individualized attention to students through discussion boards, email and chat. They also provide feedback on assignments via our learning platform.

A Day in the Life

We’ve had thousands of online students successfully graduate while balancing work, families, and hectic schedules. See what a day in the life of an online student looks like.

Yvell Simmons Florida Tech student

Yvell Simmons

Class of 2014

Larry Middlebrooks Florida Tech student

Larry Middlebrooks

Class of 2014

Sharon Patrick Rodriguez Florida Tech student

Sharon Patrick Rodriguez

Class of 2014

Yvell Simmons Florida Tech student


Larry Middlebrooks Florida Tech student


Sharon Patrick Rodriguez Florida Tech student


Interview Questions

Q: When do you find time to study each day?

A: During my lunch hour at work, in the car on the way home and at the kitchen table when my kids are doing their homework. That’s the only way to get it done. When I decided to continue my education, online appeared to be the most logical to accommodate my busy family.

Q: How do you stay organized to keep track of work, school and family obligations?

A: A lot of planning. I have an amazing calendar. We use everybody’s favorite colors, that way there are no discrepancies on who needs to be where by when. My husband is amazing. He’s been the glue that holds it all together and I think that’s how it worked, working full-time and going to school full-time.

Q: What advice would you give to prospective students?

A: Stay focused on your dream plan, keep a detailed schedule of what needs to be read, what’s due and by when. Stick to it. I teach it to my children every day: Don’t ever give up on your dream.

Q: What was life like having two daughters while going back to school?

A: Trying to find time to go back to school felt like the most challenging thing I could do. I took the online approach because I was a single parent with custody of my two daughters, so taking classes at a campus wasn’t really possible. It worked out well that online classes had the flexibility for me to log on when I needed to do an assignment or finish coursework, and still be able to fulfill my obligations with working a full-time job and taking care of my kids.

Q: What did your schedule look like while taking classes online?

A: I’ve worked a varying schedule since I started school. When I started, I was working midnight to 8 a.m. I ended up working 2:30 p.m. to midnight. Whatever schedule I worked, I could always manage to get my schoolwork done. So, with a 3 year old tugging at me and everything else, I got it done.


Time Requirements

Courses are presented in eight-week terms. Instructors will provide specific details regarding requirements for study time and coursework. In the first week you must log in to your classroom at least twice.

Technology Requirements

Students must have access to a personal computer and the internet. View full system requirements here.

Florida Tech courses on phone and laptop

Have Questions?

Get started or reach out to us if you need more information.