BA in Criminal Justice/Homeland Security
Gain specialized knowledge in homeland security and a fundamental understanding of criminal justice, 100% online.
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Core Courses
Mastering eLearning
Introduction to Criminal Justice
Introduction to Law and the Legal System
Substantive Criminal Law
Criminal Investigations
Law Enforcement Systems
Applied Research Methods in Criminal Justice and Homeland Security
Criminal Justice and the Media
Comparative Criminal Justice Systems
Police Organizations and Administration
Criminal Justice Ethics
Homeland Security
Introduction to Terrorism
Emergency Management
Transportation and Border Security
Planning for Homeland Security
Critical Infrastructure Protection
The Intelligence Process
Civilization 1: Ancient through Medieval
Introduction to Psychology
Research and Computer Literacy
Research Methods in Applied Psychology
Law and Psychology
Psychology of Disasters
Global Perspective
ASC1006 - Mastering eLearning
Credits: 1
Helps students new to Florida Tech and online learning to adjust to the university and acquire essential academic and administrative survival skills (online classroom behavior, academic honesty, study skills, etc.) that enhance academic integration into college.
CRM1000 - Introduction to Criminal Justice
Requirement(s): Basic computer skills.
Credits: 3
CRM1246 - Introduction to Law and the Legal System
Prerequisite: CRM 1000
Credits: 3
Introduces the history, structures and processes of the U.S. legal system. Covers the basic legal concept. Includes due process, structure of the U.S. court system, civil and criminal procedure, and case law concepts.
CRM2244 - Substantive Criminal Law
Prerequisite: CRM 1246
Credits: 3
Discusses the creation and application of substantive criminal law. Includes the nature and origins of criminal law, substantive due process, elements of criminal liability, the doctrine of complicity, uncompleted crimes, defenses to criminal liability, and the elements of crimes against persons, habitation, property and public order.
CRM2702 - Criminal Investigations
Prerequisite: COM 1001 or COM 1101 or WRI 1001, CRM 1000
Credits: 3
Explores the fundamental components of interviewing and investigations. Covers investigative practices in apprehending suspects and preparing criminal cases. Includes an in-depth examination of the science and art of criminal investigations, and gathering and analyzing evidence. Stresses overall management of major cases.
CRM3104 - Law Enforcement Systems
Prerequisite: CRM 3150
Credits: 3
Reviews the various national and international law enforcement systems. Includes community policing, use of force, high-liability issues and policy review.
CRM3150 - Applied Research Methods in Criminal Justice and Homeland Security
Prerequisite: PSY 3012
Credits: 3
Examines applied research methods and techniques used in criminal justice and homeland security. Provides analysis and project using Microsoft® Excel® to obtain and interpret descriptive statistics, elementary inferential statistics, and analysis of variance in the applied context of criminal justice.
CRM3610 - Criminal Justice and the Media
Prerequisite: CRM 1000, PSY 2510
Credits: 3
Examines the influence of the media on policies and practices in the criminal justice system. Explores the impact of social media. Analyzes the effect of media on the context and social construction of the public’s view of the criminal justice system and its participants.
CRM3901 - Comparative Criminal Justice Systems
Prerequisite: CRM 3104
Credits: 3
Examines justice systems from various geographic regions. Explores the impact of diverse policies and practices on culture, and human and civil rights. Broadens knowledge of the impact of the justice system on society.
CRM4108 - Police Organizations and Administration
Prerequisite: CRM 3507 or CRM 3105
Credits: 3
Examines police organizations and administration in the U.S. Discusses in detail current and future trends in law enforcement. Also examines police recruiting, selection, management, leadership and policy.
CRM4712 - Criminal Justice Ethics
Requirement(s): Fourth-year standing Prerequisite: CRM 3150
Credits: 3
Examines the various dynamics of ethical behavior. Focuses on ethics in justice policy, administration and research, and the impact on individuals and society.
HSC1000 - Homeland Security
Credits: 3
Introduces the concept and current practices in homeland security. Studies legislation, policies and plans at the national, state and local level. Includes civil liberties, interagency processes, intelligence and threat assessment.
HSC2011 - Introduction to Terrorism
Prerequisite: HSC 1000, PSY 2510
Credits: 3
Describes a brief history of religious, state-sponsored and political terrorism. Examines domestic and international terrorist acts and groups, and outlines the importance of intelligence-gathering and counterterrorism activities.
HSC2204 - Emergency Management
Prerequisite: HSC 1000, PSY 2510
Credits: 3
Explores how government and the private sector respond to man-made or natural disasters. Reviews and discusses risk assessment, incident management, recovery efforts and interagency coordination.
HSC3122 - Transportation and Border Security
Prerequisite: CRM 3150, HSC 1000
Credits: 3
Examines security threats to ground and air transportation systems and infrastructure. Overviews border and seaport security threats and protection efforts. Explains the interdisciplinary relationships of government, law enforcement, the homeland security apparatus and commercial entities involved in transportation and border protection.
HSC3230 - Planning for Homeland Security
Prerequisite: INT 3000 or HSC 1000, PSY 2510
Credits: 3
Examines interagency functions and interdisciplinary activities of federal, state and local authorities in preparations and protection activities. Describes the National Response Framework, National Infrastructure Protection Plan, and other planning and preparedness functions of the homeland security enterprise.
HSC4410 - Critical Infrastructure Protection
Prerequisite: CRM 3150, HSC 3230
Credits: 3
Examines the intricate and interdependent physical and cyber-assets of government and the industrial/commercial complex. Assesses the vulnerabilities of public utilities, banking, finance, water supply and communications. Critiques disaster and mitigation plans to construct effective defenses and preventative measures.
HSC4450 - The Intelligence Process
Prerequisite: CRM 3150 or INT 3012, HSC 2011 or INT 3000
Credits: 3
Explains collection, analysis, sharing and dissemination of information in local, state and federal governments and the private sector. Examines the interdependence of intelligence-gathering agencies. Compares and contrasts criminal and national security intelligence. Applies domestic and international intelligence efforts to policy decisions.
HUM2051 - Civilization 1: Ancient through Medieval
Prerequisite: COM 1102
Credits: 3
Introduces civilization from its early development to the European Renaissance. Emphasizes the interpretation of primary texts that reflect the intellectual and historical changes in society. The first of two interdisciplinary courses.
PSY1411 - Introduction to Psychology
Credits: 3
Overviews psychological processes, including both areas in which psychology is a natural science (physiological psychology, sensation and perception, basic learning and cognition) and a social science (motivation, human development, personality, social interaction, psychopathology and psychotherapy).
PSY2510 - Research and Computer Literacy
Prerequisite: COM 1001 or COM 1101 or WRI 1001
Credits: 3
Addresses the research and computer literacy needs of psychology, behavioral and social science students. Includes reading, evaluating and summarizing scientific literature; scientific writing (APA format); research terminology; and proper document and presentation format.
PSY3012 - Research Methods in Applied Psychology
Prerequisite: EST 2703, PSY 1411, PSY 2510
Credits: 3
Introduces basic research methods in applied psychology. Includes experimental research design, qualitative and quantitative approaches to data analysis, and interpretation and critiquing.
PSY3100 - Law and Psychology
Prerequisite: CRM 3012, PSY 3012
Credits: 3
Introduces the major concepts, theoretical perspectives, empirical findings, historical trends, principles and practices of various areas of psychology and explores their intersection with the law.
PSY3101 - Psychology of Disasters
Prerequisite: PSY 1411, PSY 3012
Credits: 3
Examines the psychological human response to disasters and other traumatic events. Compares and contrasts reactions to natural disasters versus deliberate acts of criminality and terrorism. Discusses prevention and treatment alternatives for post-traumatic stress and critical incident management.
SOC1102 - Global Perspective
Credits: 3
Surveys various global issues arising since World War II. Combines history, political science and economics. Emphasizes the interaction of the superpowers during the Cold War, the post-colonial emergence of the Third World, the ascendancy of regional and international economic and political institutions and the reshaping of contemporary Europe.
Choose COM 1101 or WRI 1001 (Dependent on Placement Test Score).
Composition and Rhetoric
First Year Writing 2
Writing About Literature
2000-Level Course
COM1101 - Composition and Rhetoric
Requirement(s): Passing grade on placement exam or prerequisite course. Prerequisite: COM 0100 or COM 0110 or WRI 0100 or WRI 0110
Credits: 3
The first of two courses in college-level writing skills. Focuses on writing essays using various rhetorical modes: persuasion, description, comparison and analysis. Presents basic methods of library research, as well as the MLA documentation system. Students write one research paper and several essays.
WRI1001 - First Year Writing 2
Requirement(s): Second in a two-course series. Passing score on placement exam or prerequisite course. Prerequisite: WRI 1000
Credits: 3
Continues work begun in WRI 1000. Includes study in rhetorical analysis and the conventions of various genres. Also includes intensive instruction in writing and revision of work that culminates in a research paper.
COM1102 - Writing About Literature
Prerequisite: COM 1001 or COM 1101
Credits: 3
The second of two courses in college-level writing skills. Focuses on reading and analyzing poems, plays and short works of fiction. Students write several essays and one research paper on literary topics.
2000-Level Course
Choose one 2000-level (or higher) communication course.
Credits: 3
1000-Level Course
EST2703 - Statistics
Prerequisite: MTH 1000 or MTH 1001 or MTH 1701 or MTH 1702
Credits: 3
Emphasizes mathematical concepts. Includes measures of central tendency and spread; probability; binomial, normal and t distributions; statistical inference; and linear regression and correlation.
1000-Level Course
Choose one 1000-level (or higher) math course.
Credits: 3
Physical/Life Sciences
Choose two of the following:
1000-Level Course
1000-Level Course
Choose two 1000-level or higher (BIO, CHM, EDS, ENS, MET, OCN, PHY, SPS) courses.
Credits: 3
Crime & Criminology
Choose one of the following:
Integrated Theories of Crime
PSF3551 - Integrated Theories of Crime
Prerequisite: PSF 2551 or PSY 3100
Credits: 3
Explores the basic questions concerning human nature, human behavior, crime and criminality from the perspectives of sociological, psychological and criminological theories.
CRM2201 - Criminology
Prerequisite: COM 1102, PSY 1411
Credits: 3
Examines the causes of criminal behavior. Also examines ethical issues, policy implication and research.
Choose one of the following:
Available Electives
Available Electives
Credits: 3
Elective courses available will vary depending upon your individual situation.
Humanities Core
Choose one of the following:
2000-Level Course
2000-Level Course
Choose one 2000-level (or higher) humanities course.
Credits: 3
Restricted Electives
Choose three of the following:
Introduction to Crime Analysis
Introduction to Cybersecurity
Violent Crime
Risk Assessment, Response, and Recovery for Homeland Security
Domestic Terrorism
Intelligence Analysis
Crisis and Conflict Resolution
Psychology of Leadership
CRM3511 - Introduction to Crime Analysis
Prerequisite: PSY 3012
Credits: 3
Introduces the techniques, methods and technology involved in the analysis of crimes. Includes crime mapping, analysis, suspect identification and future trends.
CRM3701 - Introduction to Cybersecurity
Prerequisite: CRM 2702 or INT 3000, INT 3012 or PSY 3012
Credits: 3
Overviews crime, threats and attacks carried out over computer information systems and networks at the personal, societal, business and governmental levels. Studies the processes for risk management, incident mitigation and recovery, and strategies for prevention.
CRM4820 - Violent Crime
Requirement(s): Fourth-year standing Prerequisite: CRM 2702, CRM 3104
Credits: 3
Explores serious and violent offenders, the quest to understand chronic offenders and their interaction in society.
HSC4104 - Risk Assessment, Response, and Recovery for Homeland Security
Prerequisite: CRM 3150, HSC 3230
Credits: 3
Details the actions necessary to establish infrastructure and trained personnel to respond to disasters, terrorist acts and major crime scenes. Describes public safety and community efforts to maintain continuity of services following an attack or disaster that disrupts public infrastructure and safety. Uses case studies and simulations.
HSC4230 - Domestic Terrorism
Prerequisite: HSC 3230, CRM 3150 or INT 3012
Credits: 3
Examines the historical evolution of domestic militant and terrorist groups and their activities. Describes contemporary terrorist groups and individuals, and their known interactions and relationships. Introduces intelligence-gathering techniques.
HSC4510 - Intelligence Analysis
Prerequisite: HSC 4450, CRM 3150 or INT 3012
Credits: 3
Explains the role of the analyst and the various analytical tools used to evaluate information regarding terrorist and criminal activity. Also explains methodology and techniques in critical thinking and analysis skills. Examines objectivity and bias in analysis and rules for dissemination of intelligence information.
PSF4106 - Crisis and Conflict Resolution
Prerequisite: CRM 3012 or PSY 3012
Credits: 3
Examines crisis and conflict resolution in interpersonal and organizational contexts. Uses theory from behavioral and social sciences to assess, manage and resolve crisis and conflict situations in a criminal justice environment. Includes nature of and responses to crisis and conflict, and strategies for resolving them.
PSY3541 - Psychology of Leadership
Prerequisite: PSY 1411
Credits: 3
Examines the research and application of the essential competencies of effective leadership such as managing conflict, facilitating communication and leading groups and teams.
Free Electives
Choose two of the following:
Available Electives
Available Electives
Credits: 3
Elective courses available will vary depending upon your individual situation.
Total Courses
Core Courses
121 credits
121 Credits
Tuition and curriculum are subject to change. For the official curriculum for this degree please visit the Florida Institute of Technology Catalog.
FALL 2 – 2016 | ||
Application Deadline | 10/12/2016 | |
Start Date | 10/24/2016 | |
SPRING 1 – 2017 | ||
Application Deadline | 1/2/2017 | |
Start Date | 1/9/2017 | |
SPRING 2 – 2017 | ||
Application Deadline | 2/22/2017 | |
Start Date | 3/6/2017 | |
SUMMER 1 – 2017 | ||
Application Deadline | 4/19/2017 | |
Start Date | 5/1/2017 | |
SUMMER 2 – 2017 | ||
Application Deadline | 6/21/2017 | |
Start Date | 7/3/2017 | |
FALL 1 – 2017 | ||
Application Deadline | 8/16/2017 | |
Start Date | 8/28/2017 | |
FALL 2 - 2017 | ||
Application Deadline | 10/18/2017 | |
Start Date | 10/23/2017 | |
SPRING 1 - 2018 | ||
Application Deadline | 12/27/2017 | |
Start Date | 1/8/2018 | |
SPRING 2 - 2018 | ||
Application Deadline | 2/21/2018 | |
Start Date | 3/5/2018 | |
SUMMER 1 - 2018 | ||
Application Deadline | 4/18/2018 | |
Start Date | 4/30/2018 | |
SUMMER 2 - 2018 | ||
Application Deadline | 6/20/2018 | |
Start Date | 7/2/2018 | |
FALL 1 - 2018 | ||
Application Deadline | 8/15/2018 | |
Start Date | 8/27/2018 | |
FALL 2 - 2018 | ||
Application Deadline | 10/10/2018 | |
Start Date | 10/22/2018 |
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