
A Child Abuse Statistics and Research Reference Guide for Child Welfare Workers

A Bachelor’s Degree in Applied Psychology offers students valuable knowledge of basic human behavior, in addition to critical thinking, interpersonal and communication skill sets. This knowledge, as well as exploring and conducting research are critical skills needed to work in the child welfare field. Professionals in the field often must make difficult decisions in the best interest of the child or children they are working with, which in many cases can have multiple implications for everyone involved. That is why it is imperative that child welfare workers be able to access the most accurate, reliable, and up to date research data and resources to help make the best decisions. This resource guide provides a collection of links to child welfare, child abuse and child neglect statistics.

Child Abuse and Neglect Fatalities: Statistics

Child Maltreatment

Male Perpetrators of Child Maltreatment

School-Based Child Maltreatment Prevention Programs

Child Welfare Outcomes

Foster Care National Statistics

Adoption Statistics

Sources of Related National Data

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