
Prepping for Project Management Success

Wayne Brantley likes to joke that his profession has been around for a while.

“Let’s face it, project management has been going on since the pyramids,” said Brantley, a certified Project Management Professional® (PMP) for almost two decades and an adjunct professor in Florida Institute of Technology’s 100% online MBA in Project Management program.

But recent years have brought explosive growth in the field as more companies have come to understand the potential benefits of effective project management. For example, high-performing organizations are more than twice as likely to meet budget and schedule goals for their projects compared to low-performing entities, the Project Management Institute® (PMI) reported in 2015.

“All types of industries work on projects,” Brantley said during his April 2015 webinar, More Than a Manager – Become a Project Management Guru. “Everybody is using project management to one degree or another.”

Nationwide, nearly 700,000 positions related to project management will be created during the decade ending in 2020, according to PMI. That’s part of a projected worldwide increase of 15 million project management jobs during that 10-year period.

Training, education and certification are critical factors in the development of project management professionals, says Brantley, a U.S. Air Force veteran and co-author of Project Management ROI: A Step-by-Step Guide for Measuring the Impact and ROI for Projects.

From the power of the PMBOK® to the simplicity of Post-it® notes, Brantley’s webinar addressed tools and techniques for boosting efficiency, reducing risk and managing teams toward project success.

“You should pursue your continued training and development in project management,” Brantley said. 

Want to learn more about project management? Watch the Q&A with Wayne Brantley here.

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