
The Increasingly Important Role of Mobile Site Optimization

 A key characteristic of effective Internet marketing professionals is their ability to keep up with the ever-changing pace of the industry. In recent years, savvy Internet marketers have updated their skill sets due to the rising popularity of digital and social media. Now, as most people purchase and use smartphones, these professionals must develop expertise in mobile site optimization to accommodate the expansion of mobile technology.

Mobile site optimization is the process of creating website content and laying it out on the web page so it is easier to view on the screen of small mobile devices. If a website is not optimized for mobile use, that site will appear on a smartphone as a scaled-down version of what it would look like on a computer screen. This makes it impossible to read the content without zooming in and scrolling.

Websites that are optimized for mobile are easily identifiable. Their content is usually delivered in a concise manner so it can be easily read on a handheld device. In addition, mobile-optimized websites provide a simple and straightforward means for users to browse website pages, watch videos, post comments and submit forms.

The rapid increase in mobile consumers cannot be ignored. Mobile traffic currently makes up more than 10% of all Internet traffic, a number that is expected to increase as smartphones continue to gain popularity. U.S. smartphone sales are anticipated to reach $31 billion by 2015.

Mobile site optimization has become essential to business profitability since more consumers are using their devices to make online purchases. According to a 2012 L2 survey, 75% of shoppers have stated that they are more likely to revisit a mobile site if they find it visually appealing and have an enjoyable experience. A negative experience, which is likely to occur on a scaled-down version of a desktop-compatible website, can actually damage a brand’s reputation. Businesses that offer consumers an easy-to-navigate mobile site are much more likely to attract and retain loyal customers.

Despite the benefits of mobile site optimization, an astonishing number of companies have yet to make the strategic move to mobile. In a 2012 survey of 500 companies, less than 50% of participants reported that their website was optimized for mobile use. Businesses that choose to upgrade their websites sooner rather than later can stay ahead of their competition.

Mobile website optimization is the latest technology trend. Internet marketers must adapt and capitalize on this change, as they do with all industry changes, in order to remain successful. They may educate themselves on the topic by obtaining higher education, such as an MBA in Internet Marketing, or by participating in online training for aspiring marketing professionals.

In addition to these options, below are three resources that can help boost mobile site optimization:

  1. IAB – This website provides assistance to those seeking a developer or agency to help with mobile site optimization.
  1. W3C – This handy webpage offers information, standards and specifications for creating and designing a mobile web design strategy.
  1. Google – This page provides recommendations from Google to design a mobile-friendly and search engine optimized mobile web page.
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