
PMI Agile Certified Practitioner (PMI-ACP)

Professionals who enjoy the flexibility and power of agile methods will now be able to demonstrate their full capabilities through a formal certification process. The Project Management Institute offers a formal credential for agile users. As agile methods continue to grow throughout the global marketplace, the need for proficient agile professionals is great. The PMI-ACP (Project Management Institute – Agile Certified Practitioner) credential presents vibrant opportunities for professionals seeking certification with strong returns on investments. Consider the following:

Work Experience Counts

If you are already using agile and have current project management experience, then you meet the basic criteria for beginning the credentialing process. Classes that provide credit toward PMI-ACP credentials are conducted online by highly regarded industry professionals. If you are interested in obtaining agile training, PMI (Project Management Institute which sponsors the associated tests, details other offerings that will put you on the path to full PMI-ACP credentials. With its wide-reaching applications across industry-wide project management challenges, PMI-ACP credentials translate into more potential opportunities as more and more business settings continue to adopt agile methods.

Strengthening and Expanding Your Skill Set Builds Power

Seasoned project managers can tell you that to stay on top of the game, your methods have to be up to date and efficient. agile methods respond to the chaos of global business with successful project management skills that are resilient, powerful, and inclusive with regard to client participation. Project managers seeking an additional credential that will reward them with increased career possibilities would be wise to explore the PMI-ACP certification. Responding effectively to the unexpected and having the cutting edge skills to mitigate potentially catastrophic management scenarios is one of the things agile professionals deliver time and time again. The PMI-ACP credential allows a potential employer to recognize that you have passed the standardized test and completed the necessary coursework to be an industry leader in the application of agile methods in a diversity of business settings. PMI-ACP training can be that missing piece of the puzzle you have been looking for to secure the competitive advantage and increase your market value for many years to come.


Through the PMI-ACP credentialing process, you will gain access to a strong network of other agile users and related professionals who represent an elite subset of project managers. Through mentoring, networking, and attending conferences you will be able to stay tuned into the future developments in the field while at the same time staying on top of current market trends. While taking courses, you will interact directly with industry leaders and be exposed to cutting edge technology, knowledge, and skills. With the growing numbers of industries seeking agile trained professionals, the opportunities extend beyond just agile project management into training, development, and other leadership roles that could also include travel, if that is something you desire.

Is PMI-ACP Certification Right for Me?

Agile methods are rapidly becoming analogous to best practice project management skills across industries throughout the global marketplace. With its dynamic applications, agile methods meet many of today’s project management goals. The PMI-ACP credential will prepare dedicated project managers with the knowledge, skills, and professional network to achieve great success within today’s rapidly changing business environments. With ongoing peer support through the professional association of PMI events and other networking opportunities, you will be able to further develop your area of expertise and directly impact a growing field with your expert knowledge.

As the international marketplace expands and savvy project managers respond to industry fluctuations, securing a knowledge base in a widely accepted specialty such as agile methods, is one way to stay a step or two ahead of your competition. Securing PMI-ACP credentials through a top-tier and regionally accredited program is one career development investment that holds great potential for impressive returns on investment for many decades to come.

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