
Glenn Cameron, Master of Business Administration

Glenn Cameron got hooked on digital marketing when he co-founded an event marketing website while studying for his undergraduate degree. Even as he gained experience, Cameron knew he would need to advance his education in order to achieve professional growth. So he enrolled in the Master of Business Administration with a Specialization in Internet Marketing degree program offered 100% online by Florida Institute of Technology, which is located in Cameron’s hometown of Melbourne, Florida.

The son of a charter fisherman, Cameron graduated from Florida Tech in 2012 with a 4.0 GPA and netted a job as a developer marketing manager with Samsung in San Jose, California. “It is a great position that pays well over $100,000 a year,” he said.

Cameron spoke with us about his experiences at Florida Tech and his plans for the future.

Q. Tell us a little bit about your background.

While an undergrad, my friend and I started a company called The Network. It was a social media website that combined real-life events with the online world. As a result, we were able to regularly get attendees to our events and received about 1.5 million page views a year on the site. Now I work at Samsung, running the online media for their developer program.

Q. Why did you decide to advance your education through a degree program offered online?

At the time I applied I was working a full-time job and supporting myself financially. I needed a reputable program that was flexible on when I could watch lectures. Florida Tech had the answer to these needs.

Q. Why did you choose Florida Tech’s online program?

My friend’s father got his MBA from Florida Tech and has been wildly successful. He was actually the CEO of the fingerprint company that Apple acquired. His success assured me that it was a wise move.

Q. What was your favorite class and why?

I enjoyed the capstone course “Strategic Marketing.” During the course we were assigned a team to manage a virtual shoe company. We competed against other classmates and schools. My team got first place in our class and ranked in the top 10% of the world.

Q. What surprised you most about taking an online program?

Even though I was so far away from my peers, I ended up making friends with them. We chatted face-to-face on Google Hangouts and I met some of my peers at graduation.

Q. What was your most valuable takeaway from the program?

I learned so much about business. Before this, I didn’t know much about economics, accounting or organizational behavior. This program helped me gain a broad business background.

Q. How has your Florida Tech degree made a difference in your career?

I think that having an advanced degree gives you a competitive advantage when you are searching for a job. For my current gig at Samsung, I think this MBA is what made them decide to hire me so quickly.

Q. What advice would you give other students who are considering enrolling in the program?

If you already have a job and want to continue working, I think this is the degree for you. We live in an age where technology gives us the flexibility we need to get a higher degree in our spare time and I believe it is well worth it. Hiring managers want to see work experience and education. With this program, you can grow both at the same time.

Q. Who or what inspires you to succeed?

I have a strong internal drive to achieve great things. I have to be building remarkable things to feel happiness. So I think it is this drive that keeps me going.

Q. What is one fun fact about you?

I am a huge “Iron Man” fan.


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